Leeds Playing Field
The Leeds Playing Field is located at the end of Lower Street and the start of upper street, its entrance is opposite The Abbotts and near to Forge Lane, landmarked by the Leeds Village sign. The field itself contains one football pitch, a practice goal area, a children's play area with swings, climbing frame, slide and a round-a-bout.
Full size Football pitches
Bookable for Saturday and Sunday League games each season.
With Sheltered area for Managers/Team supporters
Contact: leedsparishcouncil@sherriebabington.co.uk
Tennis Court with Basketball court
Facilities include a fenced off outdoor tennis area consisting of two tennis courts and a Basketball practice area.
To access the locked Tennis Courts, first go to the George Pub in the village and they will for a £5 refundable deposit loan you a key for use of the Tennis courts for a year.
Parking & Pavilion
There is off street parking for a few cars and it has its own sports pavilion, served with both electricity and gas, contains male and female changing rooms, shower areas and a central area with kitchen facilities.
The Leeds Parish Council holds its monthly Council meetings in the Pavilion.
Woodland Walks
On the side of the field, through the woodland and to the side there are the remains of the old Abbey Farm and the site of the Augustinian priory, destroyed during dissolution of the monasteries by King by Henry VIII, the great lake and its dovecot ruins still exist today.
To find out more, or to enquire about using the playing field please contact the Parish Council by e-mailing leedsparishcouncil@sherriebabington.co.uk