Village Design Statement
The Leeds Village Design Statement outlines the qualities of the village and its distinctiveness from the viewpoint of its residents so that these can be followed by developers, planners, householders and landowners.
Produced by a core committee of eleven residents, the views of residents have been collated and included from open meetings and exhibitions. The Village Design Statement (VDS) is the natural next step to the Parish Plan which was published in 2008. This statement describes the village settlement, its spaces and enclosures and the quality and type of its buildings. We then offer guidelines on which of these features are valued, and should be maintained in future developments.
One of the challenges of a VDS is persuading people that this is not a manifesto for change or Nimbyism. It is a document to manage change not to prevent it. It is hoped that the VDS will encourage pride in Leeds, and knowledge of the distinctive nature of our village.